with Jeff Bishop
with Jeff Bishop

Fibonacci Retracements Tell Tape Secrets

Deep down below this posh exterior, I’m a math nerd. Nothing excites me more than using clever calculations to make profitable trades. Just the other day, I applied Fibonacci Retracements to claim my prize with Zoom Media (ZM).   I’m shooting for a total profit...

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[Read] – This Is Why The Market Turns This Week

[Read] – This Is Why The Market Turns This Week

Typically, I’m not one to get ahead of myself. But I can’t in good conscience not say something. As I poured through stock charts with coffee in hand… it started to jump off the page.  After double-checking my work, I knew I was onto something... For weeks I’ve been...

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You Can’t Start Your Trading Week Without This

We’ve got a jam-packed week coming up with information flying at us from all angles. Signs finally started to emerge of progress as New York’s new Coronavirus cases began to plateau day to day. Looking across the pond to Italy, they’re finally seeing a meaningful...

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Why Traders Need To Be Investors

Why Traders Need To Be Investors

I always hated it when people called me an investor. How dare they lump me in with that slow money! And then I grew up. Like most people, my perspective on life changed. With a family to take care of, I needed to think about the future. While I found it quite natural...

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Learning From My $20,000 ZM Loss

Learning From My $20,000 ZM Loss

Everyone likes to talk about their winners.  But very few care to discuss their losers.  Yet, if there’s one secret Jason Bond has taught me, it’s that we can learn just as much from our losers, if not more. I bring this up, because I recently got smoked in an options...

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Latest News

These are the setups I see in RKT

  Rocket Mortgage is the hot stock of the week. Shares nearly doubled since its IPO.  However, that doesn’t mean I don’t think it can run higher.  But with an earnings release set for tomorrow, it offers some challenges. That’s why I want to go over each in...

Apple & Tesla stock splits – Everything you need to know

Many of you have questions about the upcoming stock splits in Apple and Tesla. Today’s newsletter offers you a quick guide with everything you need to know. I’m going to cover the key elements for anyone holding stocks and options in either company. This same...

Earnings beats indicate the economy still blows

Sometimes we set the bar so low, it’s hard not to achieve success. Using the Coronavirus as cover, analysts slashed expectations, making them and the companies they cover look like rock stars.  Newsflash to all the analysts out there...   Frankly, I’ve got better...

The Strategy For Trading Stock Ranges

  Please forgive me, but today I’m going to be talking to you about some advanced options techniques. Now, you don’t have to know this necessarily to trade options well. However, I come from the school of thought, the more strategies in your toolbox the better...

Setting Stop Losses: A Gift & A Curse

Tell me if this sounds familiar… You try to do the responsible thing and set a stop loss (ensuring you don’t lose more than you want)... The stop gets triggered and exits you out of the position… ...the stock then suddenly reverses and goes in the intended direction...