with Jeff Bishop
with Jeff Bishop

How To Prepare For The Biggest Squeeze In Oil Prices

Less than a month ago we experienced negative oil prices for the first time ever in history, forcing drillers to halt production. But since then, we’ve seen a steep recovery.  June crude oil futures have rallied from $6.50 to $25, a 286% rise off the April 21st lows....

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My playbook for the market rally

Most of us still can’t go to a movie theater or even get a haircut. However, it doesn’t seem to bother investors, as stocks ready themselves to climb ever higher this week. Massive gains await but… Only if you play your cards right. By far, the Nasdaq 100 has led this...

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The Fed Lost Control And We’re All Screwed

The Fed’s worst fears may be materializing. Back in March, central banks around the world stepped in to prevent the credit markets seizing, and everything seemed fine for a while… But now, banks are tightening lending if not shutting it off altogether...and we are the...

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Latest News

No one saw these sectors coming except JC

  JC Parets is known throughout Wall Street for his incredible insights. I’m highlighting his work in this week’s Intermarket analysis because it is so timely. As he prepared for his live event this Wednesday, I asked him for his thoughts on the market. What he...

R.I.P. To The Last Bear

  It never ceases to amaze me that people continue to short the market during strong uptrends. Sure, the data doesn’t make sense… There’s millions of people unemployed… And our healthcare system flirts with disaster every day. But that’s not going to stop Jerome...

Lessons from a Real “Shark”

  Every great investor has a nickname. Warren Buffett is the “Oracle of Omaha.” Thomas Rowe Price became the “Father of Growth Investing.” Peter Lynch is the “Chameleon.” And George Soros is simply known as “The Man Who Broke the Pound.” In the world of startup...

[Trade Review] Using gravitational lines to score +100% option winner

Swing and a miss   Alright, so let’s start with the hard part - the loser. I marked up an hourly chart of FSLY to give you the basic rundown of what occurred.     FSLY Hourly Chart Let’s break it down from the first point - momentum. I’d like to turn...