with Jeff Bishop
with Jeff Bishop

Three ways to trade a top in Tesla

Before selling off yesterday, Tesla hit a record high of $1,794.99 per share.  The firm is larger than Coca-Cola, Pfizer, AT&T, and Disney (based off market cap)… If you think its price has shot up too far and too fast… You’re not alone.  Heck, just last week I...

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Would you short big tech right now?

It took the NASDAQ nearly two decades to recover after the dot com bubble burst.  Despite the economy being in the dumps and a pandemic which is showing no signs of ending anytime soon… The NASDAQ is at record highs again.   Are many of the stocks listed in the...

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Elon Musk and Warren Buffet walk into a bank…

Warren turns to Elon and says, “I own this place. Bought it back in 2008. Made me a lot of money.” Elon looks at Warren. “That’s neat. But you know what the difference is between you and me?” “What’s that,” says Warren. “About $1.3B.” According to the Bloomberg...

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This is how I made $150,000 in Tesla

I’ve got a great lesson for you. Last week I managed to pull in $150,000 in profits trading Tesla intraday.   Total Alpha members got to watch me trade this in real-time! *Please see disclaimer below   It ranks as one of my top trades of all-time.  That...

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How Time Decay Affects Your Options

When I sell options, I want the contracts to expire worthless, plain, and simple. You see, I get paid a credit to put the trade on. And I want to keep as much of that credit as possible. Typically, time decay works for me when I sell options, gnawing away at the...

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Latest News

This is why you need to read overnight markets

  You could be missing out on a whole lot of valuable information. While we sleep, there’s a world of trading action going on. Ben Sturgill, one of the top Raging Bull Gurus, knows how to leverage this information into actionable trades. Know how I know? Because...

3 of my top stock ideas for this week

  There’s no escaping the news cycle and the up and down swings which comes with them.  So, we need to expect and prepare for volatility this week. And even though I delivered my top trade idea to High Octane Options Members this morning before the bell… I’ve...

[Watch] – Smart money is using this to rake in the dough

Would you believe smart money bet against the market last week...before the drop? While everyone else bought calls, these fat cats took the other side of the trade. And man did they get paid last week! You can deploy the same strategies as these titans. Heck, I SELL...

Here’s how I made $130K in less than 24 hours

  I had a few six-figure paydays in 2020.* But that doesnt’ mean I take them for granted. I review the winning formula so when the opportunity presents itself again, I’m ready to ounce. Let me tell you how it all went down... And how I locked in over $130,000 in...

These are the setups I see in RKT

  Rocket Mortgage is the hot stock of the week. Shares nearly doubled since its IPO.  However, that doesn’t mean I don’t think it can run higher.  But with an earnings release set for tomorrow, it offers some challenges. That’s why I want to go over each in...