with Jeff Bishop
with Jeff Bishop

Profit Off Volatility?

During periods of fear and uncertainty, option volatility (better known as implied volatility) will rise. When the overall market establishes a bullish trend and complacency replaces fear—implied volatility contracts.  Traders rely on the VIX to gain a pulse on the...

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Should You Buy Gold At Its Highs?

We’re living through a market straight out of Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Traditional correlations between stocks and safe-haven plays have all but disintegrated. So, it’s no surprise gold tore through the 2011 high without much fanfare... And just a little...

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Read this before it’s too late

  I’m about to lay down some heavy news… Something you need to be aware of whether you’re a trader, investor, or just trying to make ends meet. We’re witnessing a potential collapse in the U.S. Dollar! While this scenario is typically so remote, we’d never dream...

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This Market vs. The Dotcom Bubble?

Not a day goes by I don’t hear someone compare this market to the late ‘90s… When companies with no revenues just slapped a dot com at the end of their name...making them worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  It was a much simpler time— before the Fed and globalized...

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Latest News

Is the world running out of gold?

  To answer this in a word - yes. And I think this could set up for $3,000 an ounce in the near future. Let me explain. Everyone assumed that gold prices took off this year as a safety trade. When I dug into the charts this week, I realized something wasn’t quite...

If this is true, bank earnings will spark the next run

This week marks the unofficial start of earnings season. As I told High Octane members this past week, I expect markets to rally right into the election. Looking at this week’s landscape, I see one sector sparking the next leg. I’m talking about financials. Up until...

No one saw these sectors coming except JC

  JC Parets is known throughout Wall Street for his incredible insights. I’m highlighting his work in this week’s Intermarket analysis because it is so timely. As he prepared for his live event this Wednesday, I asked him for his thoughts on the market. What he...

Here’s what I expect from the week ahead

  Your jump on the week looks at the themes driving this market… Starting with options expiration. Normally, traders expect increases in volume and chop during OPEX. So why isn’t the VIX agreeing with this assessment?   VIX Hourly Chart   How is it that...