Forget About Account Size, These Three Things Matter More
Not a day goes by that a new subscriber without me receiving this question: Can I grow my small account by applying Total Alpha strategies? And while I appreciate the question… Allow me to tell you what really matters... You see, it’s not the size of your account,...
Avoid these 5 mistakes before it’s too late!
I’ve been trading the market for over two decades, training thousands of people. Without a doubt, there are five mistakes I see from traders over and over: Fear of losing money Going too big Trading without an edge Comparing yourself to other traders Becoming...
Why debit spreads make sense for small accounts
Know what the number one problem is for small account traders? Position Sizing. Avoiding excessive risk with a small account seems near impossible. But what if you could define your risk from the outset... Limiting your potential losses while leaving a...
No one saw these sectors coming except JC
JC Parets is known throughout Wall Street for his incredible insights. I’m highlighting his work in this week’s Intermarket analysis because it is so timely. As he prepared for his live event this Wednesday, I asked him for his thoughts on the market. What he...
Here’s what I expect from the week ahead
Your jump on the week looks at the themes driving this market… Starting with options expiration. Normally, traders expect increases in volume and chop during OPEX. So why isn’t the VIX agreeing with this assessment? VIX Hourly Chart How is it that...
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Learning from my TAN Bullseye trade loss
While my Bullseye trade of the week had a REALLY GOOD run lately, sometimes the market feels the need to rain on my parade. I know the past week’s loss in TAN frustrated subscribers - it certainly bothered me. I believe I took it well… But rather than...
Where I Want To Buy AAPL, AMZN, & FB
As the dust slowly settles, some stocks clearly show promise while others not so much. The first to come flying out of the gate were big tech companies. So where would I want to buy these companies? That’s what we’re here to discuss. I want to show you where the key...
Never use stop market orders in options trading
Stop-market orders do not belong in options trading. If you use them right now, toss that notion out the window. I’m going to show you how I stop out of option trades. This is one of the first things High Octane Option members ask me. You see, most people...
The next bull market won’t be where you think
Stocks are going a lot higher… If you want to know why, make sure to check out this discussion I had with the Chart Hunter, JC Parets. You can check out the full interview here. Now, you might be thinking… thank you Captain Hindsight, the stock...
Is the world running out of gold?
To answer this in a word - yes. And I think this could set up for $3,000 an ounce in the near future. Let me explain. Everyone assumed that gold prices took off this year as a safety trade. When I dug into the charts this week, I realized something wasn’t quite...