How To Fix Your Most Common Trading Mistake
It’s no secret, more people have picked up day trading over the last few months. New accounts at brokers from TD Ameritrade and Robinhood have exploded. Unfortunately, most of them don’t have a clue about what they’re doing. I’ve heard from numerous traders that...
Intermarket analysis uncovers hidden dangers in equities
Is it possible for markets to fall when everyone expects them to? Most of the time, I would say no… But this time is different and here’s why. While everyone is focused on not fighting the Fed, they’re ignoring obvious warning signs. Just take a look at the VIX and...
Option Contracts Record Could Spell Trouble for Markets
Friday’s options market set a new record—and you probably missed it. Open interest (the number of open option contracts) for June expiration started the day at 381,360,325, beating the prior record of 380,000,000 set in 2011. That’s incredible given that we’re...
NKLA is so dangerous, it could do more than blow up and account
I don’t toss out words of warning lightly. But there are huge amounts of risks in trading Nikola (NKLA)...some of which most traders don’t even know... That’s why it’s important you read this carefully! Get involved in the wrong strategy...and ...You could end...
Where’s the Beef?
Have you noticed things cost a little bit more at the grocery store these days? No, it’s not your imagination, our food is getting more expensive. This past month, the price of meat, poultry, fish, and eggs jumped 10% from the prior year. And there is...
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This One Ratio Explains Everything
Have you ever looked at the performance of stocks compared to bonds? When I sat down with JC Paretz on Monday, he threw up this simple chart, and it blew me away. Here’s a snapshot from our full interview. This chart represents the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) to...
The VIX just did something remarkable
For some reason, the VIX and volatility has remained stubbornly high. But there’s something curious when you look at the chart. VIX Hourly Chart Folks - this is a warning shot. Every time the VIX ran into the 200-period moving average on...
Conflicting market signals lead to an inevitable conclusion
How much do you trust this market? Do you think it will rise forever? Or are you waiting to short it... like your life depended on it? Listening to the talking heads won’t help you find an answer. But... Analyzing the major markets will tell you everything you need...
Will job losses dominate this week’s discussion?
Can our economy recover if more than 10% of the population is unemployed? And shouldn’t we be getting back to normal by now? Last week’s jobless data reversed recent trends with week over week initial claims rising. Department of Labor Weekly...
The best options strategy for your trading style
I probably don’t have to tell you why options are often superior to trading stocks. Options can be better because they: Provide Leverage— you can make more money with less capital Can Improve Your Odds—some strategies can give you as much as three different ways to...