with Jeff Bishop
with Jeff Bishop

Keys To Banking Off This Market: GLD

I know a lot of traders are struggling in this market. Headlines like ‘Dow Plummets 3,000 Points’ grabs folks attention, sending a shiver down their spine. Instinctively, they hit the sell button at the exact wrong time. My advice:   Ignore the headlines and focus on...

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Intermarket analysis – VIX, SPY, IWM, XOP

Everyone who is anyone came out over the weekend in an attempt to calm fears of a further market meltdown. With the Dow sliding +3,000 points in a single week, investors needed some assurance that the bottom wasn’t falling out. As traders, we know better. Stocks can...

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Jump on the week – GLD and the SPY

The last 72 hours brought us tighter border restrictions, a series of US deaths, and an admission that it’s not a matter of if...but when the Coronavirus outbreak hits our country. This week’s Jump starts where the market decline ended - a global pandemic. Here’s a...

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[Case Study] SPCE Covered Call

Did you know you can make money in this market without having to pick its direction?  I know it seems crazy—especially with the Dow dropping over 3,000 points... But believe me, it is possible. I want to dig into the trade I showed Total Alpha members: A covered call...

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Contrarian Play – GLD Trade Review

Sometimes as traders we get so caught up into individual stock stories that we forget about the big picture and the economy. Not me. I’ve been consistently collecting paychecks with long gold positions in the GLD ETF. Even as markets rose, this trade kept working for...

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Latest News

This is the one chart you need for this week

Stocks and the VIX have a testy relationship. When stocks fall, the VIX spikes. If the VIX spikes, stocks tend to fall. But does the VIX trade like any other instrument? As a matter of fact, it does! Which is what makes this chart essential for this trading week. VIX...

Time is Running Out… in the Job Market

Which commodity do you think will face a massive oversupply and not enough centralized demand in August?  If you guessed oil, that’d make sense. After all, GDP is slumping worldwide, gasoline and jet fuel demand are off sharply, and it could be years before we see...

How To Fix Your Most Common Trading Mistake

It’s no secret, more people have picked up day trading over the last few months.  New accounts at brokers from TD Ameritrade and Robinhood have exploded. Unfortunately, most of them don’t have a clue about what they’re doing.  I’ve heard from numerous traders that...

Intermarket analysis uncovers hidden dangers in equities

Is it possible for markets to fall when everyone expects them to? Most of the time, I would say no… But this time is different and here’s why. While everyone is focused on not fighting the Fed, they’re ignoring obvious warning signs. Just take a look at the VIX and...

Option Contracts Record Could Spell Trouble for Markets

  Friday’s options market set a new record—and you probably missed it. Open interest (the number of open option contracts) for June expiration started the day at 381,360,325, beating the prior record of 380,000,000 set in 2011. That’s incredible given that we’re...