with Jeff Bishop
with Jeff Bishop

Why this is the right environment to buy options

There are times when being a buyer of options makes the most sense… And others...where being a premium seller is the right play. However, most traders, even some experienced ones, have a time deciphering when that time is. Today, I’m going to share how you can be a...

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Has the market lost its F$$$ing Mind???

Let’s give a shout out to the QQQs! In case the stock market didn’t make enough sense to you at the moment, the QQQ Nasdaq 100 ETF managed to break through the all-time highs it set back in February this past week.   QQQ Daily Chart   Let this simmer in your...

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Keep revenge trading from blowing up your account

  First, you take one loss - no big deal. Then another comes along and you get frustrated. A few more and you’re boiling with anger. Pretty soon you’re down big and filled with rage. In trading, sometimes we lose multiple times in a row, whether we’re off our...

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Latest News

Surviving the coming market crash 101

  Markets always correct, and those who play it right can reap enormous rewards. It’s not a question of IF but a question of WHEN. In a recent podcast interview, I explained why markets are set to drop no matter who wins. Now, I want to share how I plan to not...

Miss the Tesla trade? Here’s what you can do

  Shares of Tesla ran higher right into Battery Day despite broader weakness in tech. Anyone who hopped on this train earned a shot at some serious profit potential. Now that Battery Day has passed, I’m on the hunt for hot new trades.      And no, that...

Time is Running Out… in the Job Market

Which commodity do you think will face a massive oversupply and not enough centralized demand in August?  If you guessed oil, that’d make sense. After all, GDP is slumping worldwide, gasoline and jet fuel demand are off sharply, and it could be years before we see...

Jump on The Week: August 17th

  There may not be a lot of data points this week. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of obstacles. Money rotated with a vengeance from technology into small caps… ...while inflation came in hotter than expected. That’s put a crimp on the treasury run and...

The truth about market correlations

  We’re told that bonds and stocks trade in opposite directions. In reality, it’s not that cut and dry, despite what economists would have you believe. Over the last 20 years, the TLT and SPY have a daily correlation of -0.424.     While that’s a pretty...