Where I Want To Buy AAPL, AMZN, & FB

As the dust slowly settles, some stocks clearly show promise while others not so much. The first to come flying out of the gate were big tech companies. So where would I want to buy these companies? That’s what we’re here to discuss. I want to show you where the key...

Never use stop market orders in options trading

  Stop-market orders do not belong in options trading. If you use them right now, toss that notion out the window. I’m going to show you how I stop out of option trades. This is one of the first things High Octane Option members ask me. You see, most people...

3 small account options strategies you can try today

  Struggling to grow your small account? You’ve come to the right place. I’m here to teach you 3 options strategies for small account traders. What makes a strategy good for a small account? For starters, I don’t want any single trade to blow up my account. Each...