How the Fed Props Up Stock Prices

  You probably heard the saying ‘Don’t Fight the Fed.’ But have you ever wondered how exactly they force stock prices higher? It’s not like they go out and just buy equities outright… …even though some conspiracy theories would lead you to believe this. If...

Don’t Let These Headline Numbers Shock You

6.6 million That’s the number of people who filed for jobless claims last week, shattering the prior week’s 3.3 million record. Our jump on the week starts and ends with one word – jobs. I’m going to shoot straight with you. You’ll see headlines numbers on...

Intermarket Analysis: SPY, GLD, TLT, and more.

This week is shaping up to be another rodeo. My read on the markets…we’re just getting started. We’re in for sharp rallies and steep drops. Dow futures were up this morning, despite heavy selling pressure coming out of China, which saw its stock market...