Elon Musk and Warren Buffet walk into a bank…

Warren turns to Elon and says, “I own this place. Bought it back in 2008. Made me a lot of money.” Elon looks at Warren. “That’s neat. But you know what the difference is between you and me?” “What’s that,” says Warren. “About $1.3B.” According to the Bloomberg...

This Week’s Intermarket Analysis

Hello trader, In some ways, I feel bad. Not everyone reads this newsletter or heeds its words. They laughed at my pronouncement the market would shoot higher off the Fed. And I let them… … it made their soul-crushing defeat taste all that more delicious. Yes, many...

Your jump on the week

The last few minutes of Thursday’s trading session primed the pump for the Friday drag race… as it appears no one wanted to be short stocks going into the weekend.   SPY 5-minute chart   Traders dove into long positions with reckless abandon as panic...