My $1,000,000 bet on stocks this week

  The last couple of weeks haven’t been kind for FANG stocks. Traders are running scared from these names. And that’s EXACTLY why I’m about to drop a big bet. I’m not talking $20k, or $30k… No this is a $1,000,000 bet heading into the election.    ...
Break That FOMO

Break That FOMO

Stocks are on fire again. Is it for good reason? Well… The President announced that we’re going to be “Opening Up America Again” And Gilead’s Remdesivir could be the go-to treatment for COVID-19, based on early positive results which showed patients making speedy...

How To Protect Yourself & Profit Off Global Conflict

Volatility is BACK.  All you had to do is look at the Dow futures last night, which were down 400 points—only to see them trading flat this morning.  While most of the talking heads spent the first week of 2020 comparing it to 2018, and how this market was destined to...

My 2020 Goal – Consistent Income

The global stock market got its first taste of volatility yesterday after a U.S. airstrike took down Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani. The VIX, the market’s fear index, shot up by more than 12% and closing about 14 on Friday.  Is 2020 the year volatility makes a...