by Lauren Evans | Oct 26, 2020 | Total Alpha
The last couple of weeks haven’t been kind for FANG stocks. Traders are running scared from these names. And that’s EXACTLY why I’m about to drop a big bet. I’m not talking $20k, or $30k… No this is a $1,000,000 bet heading into the election. ...
by Jeff Bishop | Sep 15, 2020 | Editorial, Total Alpha
Know what the number one problem is for small account traders? Position Sizing. Avoiding excessive risk with a small account seems near impossible. But what if you could define your risk from the outset… Limiting your potential losses while leaving a...
by Jeff Bishop | May 30, 2020 | Editorial, Total Alpha
Becoming a successful trader doesn’t just happen overnight. But then again, it isn’t something that needs to take years either. And look, I struggled for more than a decade before the lightswitch finally came on. During that time, I compiled a list of 10 different...